Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC)

Renewable Energy Impact Report





  • Liability Management 

    Regulatory Approvals

    Risk Management Plan 

    Land Use and Management

    Data Management

The AUC commissioned a review into the impacts of renewable electricity generation on agricultural and environmental land, Alberta’s pristine landscapes, implementation of reclamation security requirements and development impacts on Crown Lands. The review also involved examining the impacts the increasing growth of renewables has had on supply generation and electricity system reliability.


delivered expert study

resulted in new industry requirements

Ecoventure conducted an expert study for the AUC on End-of-Life Reclamation Security for electricity generation in Alberta. Recommendations were made for reclamation closure requirements, including cost estimates based on land use and type of disturbance. The report also suggested a liability management framework and security measures for renewable energy projects in Alberta.

As a result of the inquiry, the AUC released new requirements for renewable power plant applications. These requirements as they pertain to the report Ecoventure prepared include the need for applicants to provide information on the reclamation security program (such as the amount and form of security) for the facility and include third-party estimates for reclamation costs.


Fontas Area-Based Closure Program


Edmonton Terminal Compliance Program